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American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.

American Navion Society, Ltd.


Major Overhaul (MOH)
Author Last Post

Lesson learned, at my expense: My plane had a legit MOH in 2003. The next owner crashed the plabe (landing pattern using the tips) in the pattern..That owner said there was a MOH afterwaards. The pre-buy mech did not pay much attention to the MOH log entry........the engine was cleaned and ALL the 2003 MOH parts were put back on. No shop did the was logged by a single A&P.

In 2023 the engine gave up the ghost with falling oil pressure and rising oil temp, and low power output. When the engine was opened it had extensive corrowsion and wear inside! It turns out that the MOH that I bought was the 2003 overhaul

Just finished a legit and excellent IRAN/Top Overhaul. To All --- read the log entries carefully.

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